Thursday, February 10, 2011

To Be or Not To Be (a citizen)

To Be or Not To Be

A famous quote, of course it continued with, “that is the question.”
Today however, we could add two brief words, “a citizen.”

I like to believe that I am a caring, loving, and considerate person; one that believes in freedom for all and various rights for all. This means, to me, that every person on this earth has the freedom to exercise their right to live where they choose; again, this must be prefaced with if there is a place for them to be, legally.

This brings me to the “To Be or Not To Be A Citizen” phrase. That new phrase now embedded into my memory. I have a few things that I think you, the citizenry of our great union, the United States of America, should consider.

1. If a person comes to our country seeking employment, and there is available employment in his/her field, that person should be allowed to work if they so please to do so and an employer is willing to hire them.
2. If this person works hard, saves his/her money, takes it back to their homeland and retires, or whatever, that is their concern. The worker got what he/she came for, the employers got what they asked for, and everyone is happy.
a. These people did what many of our citizens have done. They have gone to a foreign country where they can earn big dollars in comparison to their homeland’s pay, bank the money, go back home and do whatever they wish to do with the bountiful overage of money. They have paid taxes to their country and they are legal.
3. If a person comes to our country with no thought of employment, but rather seeking the freedoms he/she has heard so much about, and believes they are immediately going to live like we citizens who have worked hard for many years to gain what we have, and expects to be given food, a new house, cell phones, transportation, free medical ,and of course, a retirement benefit for which he/she has not worked legally, that person should be denied access to our country.
4. Our government, or rather those that run it, decide that by promising these same people those various those sundry rights and freedoms, these people can live here, become charity citizens, and consequently will vote for them.
5. Cause and Effect:
a. Senator Joe Blow gets elected. He works, off and on, for four years, makes an above average income, plus various stipends none of the citizens, like you and me, will ever know about, is paying, during that tenure in office no social security because his/her retirement has no bearing on that program,
b. Senator Joe Blow now retires after two terms in office with all of the extra bucks he has accumulated, a full retirement (for life) equal to his monthly salary, and cares not about his country and its welfare as long as he/she and his/her family are cared for.
6. Now, getting back to To Be or Not To Be A Citizen. Being totally honest with one’s self, who can say they would not be sorely tempted to move to a foreign country where they could do absolutely nothing, live comfortably (not like the wealthy, but equal to a middle class citizen), enjoy free medical, get a retirement benefit and assume they will never have to worry again?


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